
Ready to use Hear Again?

These handy Tricks ‘how to’ guides will help you access
and use all of Hearagain features.

Before inserting a hearing aid, you should know which hearing aid is for the right ear and which one for the left ear. The hearing aid with a red colour square is for the right ear, and the hearing aid with a blue square is for the left ear. 

How to use behind the ear hearing aid?

The following steps help you to insert your BTE hearing aid in your ear.

  • Hold the hearing aid from the top and make sure that the ear grip behind the ear hearing aid sits in the ear’s bowl. 
  • After that, push the dome into the ear canal. The BTE ear grip helps to keep the dome in the ear canal.
  • Make sure every part of the BTE hearing aid is tucked in your ear.
  • The following steps help you to remove your  BTE hearing aid from your ear.
  • You can just pull the BTE hearing aid from the top, and the hearing aid will get out.
  • Always remember to open the battery door of the hearing aids as that will turn the hearing aid off and save battery life. 

How to use In the ear hearing aid?

The following steps help you to insert your ITE hearing aid in your ear.

  • Hold the edge of the hearing aid between your thumb and forefinger.
  • Ensure that the hearing aid is held with a helix portion at the top.
  • Now without rotating or twisting, your wrist brings your hearing aid beside your ear.
  • Insert the tip of the hearing aid into the ear canal.
  • Rotate the hearing aid slightly and then push forward to insert.
  • Ensure that the top earmold goes under the folded skin at the top of your ear.
  • At last, push your hearing aid down your ear canal with your index finger.
  • The following steps help you to remove your  ITE hearing aid from your ear.
  • You can gently rotate the hearing aid edges from the top, and the hearing aid will get out.

Frequently asked Questions

What is the meaning of BTE?

The BTE is behind the ear hearing aid.

The hearing aid with a blue square is of which ear?

The hearing aid with a blue square is of the left ear.

How much does a hearing aid cost?

 The cost of a hearing aid depends on the type of hearing aid you choose.

How do I know that the hearing aid is of the right or left ear?

The hearing aid with a red colour square is for the right ear, and the hearing aid with a blue square is for the left ear.

What style of hearing aid should I wear?

Your audiologist can assist you in making the perfect choice based on your degree of hearing loss.